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About Us

On behalf of the staff, I am delighted to welcome you and your child to Sholing Infant School. We look forward to your association with the school being a long and happy one.

We believe that children deserve good quality teaching and learning experiences to enable them to learn effectively. We offer a variety of ways for children to learn, which include plenty of practical, first hand experiences. We recognise that individual children have differing needs. We celebrate their success and value their individual contributions.

We also believe that children succeed best when there is a real partnership between home and school. We value the important contributions parents make to their child’s education and we look forward to working with you. With your help and support, the dedicated staff at Sholing Infants will encourage your child to achieve high standards, socially and academically, as well as to enjoy learning in a friendly, secure, caring and happy environment.

Yours sincerely

Mrs L Houghton