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Past Newsletters

Please click on the links below to download our past school newsletters.

Newsletter - April 2024
Welcome back to the summer term! I hope you had a wonderful Easter break, despite the cold weather! The children have already settled back happily into school and are enjoying their new lea…
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Newsletter - March 2024
We are looking forward to celebrating World Book Day, on 7th March. We look forward to seeing the children in their outfits, as per Mrs Holland’s email, although we are focusing on nonficti…
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Newsletter - January 2024
Welcome back to the new school term, it was lovely to see the children coming into school happily after the Christmas break and hearing their Christmas news! 
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Newsletter - November 2023
Welcome to the latest newsletter! It’s hard to believe that the autumn term is almost over- the children are working hard and making good progress, we are especially pleased with the progre…
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Newsletter - October 2023
Welcome to the October newsletter! This half term has flown by and we are so pleased with how well the children have all settled into their new classes.
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