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Special Educational Needs and Disability

At Sholing Infant School we believe that:

  • all children should be valued regardless of their abilities and behaviours.
  • all children are entitled to a broad and balanced curriculum which is matched to meet each individual’s needs.
  • all teachers are teachers of children with special educational needs.
  • all children can learn and make progress.
  • All children should be challenged to achieve their full potential.

We believe in:

  • effective assessment and provision for children with SEND
  • effective working partnerships with parents, children, the Local Authority and other external agencies.
  • Developing pupils’ self-esteem, confidence and independence in preparation for the future.

Our provision for children with SEND is outlined in our Local Offer document below.  If you have any further queries and questions then please contact Mr Steward, our Acting Inclusion Leader, by email.

Further details of Southampton's Local Offer for children with SEND can be found here

Paper copies of these documents are available on request.